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Friends of Corsenside

Friends of Corsenside is a volunteer run group who manage the wildflower meadow at St Cuthbert’s church using traditional methods. We are a legacy group from Revitalising Redesdale.

The aims of Friends of Corsenside are to work with the community to celebrate and protect the rich cultural heritage, landscape and wildlife of Corsenside Parish and the wider surrounding area.

Practical Tasks

There are various seasonal tasks which are needed to maintain the beautiful species rich meadow, including preparing and sharpening our Austrian scythes, cutting and baling the hay and reseeding the site in autumn. We also aim to monitor the biodiversity on our site and take part in surveys of plants, insects, birds or mammals.

We welcome volunteers of any fitness/ability at all of our events, please get in touch if you are interested. No experience is necessary and our seasoned helpers will be on hand to share their knowledge and enthusiasm.

Running Events

We also organise walks, workshops and talks which may be of interest to members and their guests. Alongside the practical tasks the group undertake these sessions help support our aims of developing skills within the community, enhancing and promoting local wildlife as well as fundraising to support a sustainable, long lived group.

Past special events include:

– a two day scything course with expert Steve Tomlin
– wildflower ID workshop with botanist Bill Burlson
– a fungal foray led by Gordon Beakes

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