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Owls of Redesdale

Date :
November 22, 2022 7:00 pm

End Date :
November 22, 2022 8:30 pm

Address :
Elsdon Village Hall

Price :

Join members of Northumbria Ringing Group for a talk about Barn and Tawny Owls, their monitoring and a general update about how owls are doing in Redesdale.

Northumbria Ringing Group have been monitoring owls in the Redesdale area since 2003. In recent years, they have expanded their monitoring scheme with support from Revitalising Redesdale. This event is an opportunity to hear all about the monitoring—and the owls!

No need to book, just turn up.

This is a Revitalising Redesdale Landscape Partnership event, supported by The National Lottery Heritage Fund.


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Revitalising Redesdale Partners are delivering a range of projects to “inspire and enable us all to care for Redesdale."

What's On

There are many events covering a wide range of topics and activities, find out what's on in Redesdale over the next few months.

Walking around Redesdale

We have created a series of 6 self-guided walk leaflets to help you to explore some of the footpaths and bridleways around the area.